Today was my first visit to the library. There's a much closer library (Southeast) in Garner, NC; but mommy found a greater amount of African-American children's fiction books at the Cameron Village Regional Library in Raleigh, NC. I don't have a library card yet, but I cannot wait to get one for myself.

We began the day sorta late but that's because I was sleeping a lot earlier in the day. But eventually mommy bathed and dressed me for our fun day in the sun. After visiting the bank, we reached the library. This is a new library with a coffee shop and everything. I'm not sure what coffee is, but mommy was pretty excited.

We were directed to the picture book section and mommy began to peruse the stacks for books by African American authors. I just waited for her to start reading, at least, one book to me.

I was blessed with many books from mommy's friends in the neighborhood. I've been hearing mommy read them to me since I was inside her. But mommy has taken an interest in making sure I read books about girls and boys who look like me. One day, I will write my first children's book. (note: this is mommy speaking now:).

Here are some of the books mommy and I picked out for the next 2 weeks:
  • "Gracie For President" by Kelly DiPucchio (about a girl who campaigns to be the female president)
  • "Grandmother and I" by Helend E. Buckley (we read this one while in the library)
  • "Papa, Do You Love Me?" by Barbara M. Joose
  • "Where's Jamela?" by Niki Daly
  • "It Takes a Village" by Jane Cowen-Fletcher
  • "Shades of Black: A Celebration of Our Children" by Sandra L. Pinkney
  • "In The Small, Small Night" by Jane Kurtz
  • "Sunday is For God" by Michael McGowan
  • "In My Momma's Kitchen" by Jerdine Nolen
  • "Daddy Goes To Work" by Jabari Asim
  • "Look at the Baby" by Kelly Johnson
  • "Shake Shake Shake" by Andrea and Brian Pinkney
  • "Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling" by Tracey Campbell Pearson
And then we checked out some non African American theme books.
  • "Babyfaces Smile!" by Roberta Grobei Intrater
  • "Opposites" by Sandra Boynton
  • "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?" by Eric Carle
  • "The Very Lonely Firefly" by Eric Carle (one of my favorite authors)
Mommy is going to try and purchase these books for my own personal library in the future. Reading is so much fun to me. I can't understand the words, but I love hearing the story and look at the big pretty picture books. Soon, I will be able to turn the page myself.

It was so hot out today, that i had to sport my sun shades from the library to the car:-)

After visiting the library, mommy took me to Walmart to purchase my next stage sleeping bed - the Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper. It's a better bed for me since my current bassinet is limited only to 15lbs. The Co-Sleeper is a bassinet, too that goes to 30lbs and a play-yard/toddler bed for up to 50lbs. I will have this for a long while. This will also be helpful for when we have to spend the weeks in Virginia Beach at my Auntie Kendra and Uncle Walt's home while mommy is pursuing her PhD course work.

Above is a picture of what I'm getting along with the website: (click here)

By the end of the day, we met up with daddy for dinner. Mommy didn't feel like cooking, but I think we're going to visit the Farmer's Market on tomorrow. It will be my first time. It should be fun. Until next time....

Bubbles and Kisses,
Arianna Zoe Michelle

Yesterday, I enjoyed a morning nap with Mommy on the couch.

As you can see, I can just about sleep anywhere. Sometime next week, mommy and daddy will be receiving my Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper. I will blog about it and share my experiences with the baby furniture real soon.

Two days ago, mommy found a free coupon for me to enjoy an afternoon playtime at the Gymboree Music and Learn facility in Raleigh, NC on Leadmine Drive. I had a great time in this new environment.

It was a gym full of colorful playmats, jungle gyms, tubings, puppets and more.

The first activity we did was "tummy-time". My other classmates, Caroline and Adeline, are regulars at Gymboree. Here, Caroline and I are chatting while on our tummies:)

But I impressed my teacher and the other parents by being able to sit up at such an early age - 11 weeks.

Here's Caroline. She's 7 months and sitting up well. I know I'll be sitting up loney-loney real soon, too.

But don't worry. My mommy and daddy aren't pushing me too hard. I'm just excited about life and enjoy observing what's going on around me. My Grammy calls me "nosey" sometimes. Hmm...mommy prefers "observant" LOL!

This is my first time at camp, but what made it even more special was having daddy sit-in on the first part of the class with me and mommy. Daddy had to leave early because of work. But here you can see a picture of him singing to me:

The bulk of class was spent with us being sung to by our parents and us reacting to colorful scarves, noise-makers, and more:

One of my favorite things was watching the bubbles being blown in the air by our instructor, Ms. Joy.

After experiencing the bubbles, we laid on our backs and enjoyed parachute time.

In the end, we met GymBob the clown. I really liked all the colors on GymBob. And I cannot wait to see them all again at Gymboree playtime.

After playtime, mommy took me to Barnes and Nobles to search for more books. Well, we also went there so she could feed me:) I really enjoyed reading the big book version of Eric Carlisle's "Very Hungry Caterpillar". One day, I hope to have an entire collection of his books.

Well, until next time....
Bubbles and Kisses,
Arianna Zoe Michelle

Today was a great day. Mommy finished some work and after I finally woke up, we got dressed for the day's cookout at Ms. MaryAnn and Steve's house (who are affectionately known as my white There were a ton of people there as children were swinging from the tree swing, riding through the backyard trails, playing in the pool and more.

I wish I could've been able to swing on the tree (see above).
But I was able to hang out with the adults.

Ms. Kristen has at least 20 plus chickens that she keeps in her backyard. She advocates for people to be able to keep chickens and is in charge of the new local Garner community garden. As soon as I get a little older, Mommy and I will request to be a part of the community garden. This will be one of the places that Mommy will get some of my veggies.
Most of the time I slept in Mommy's arm.

Eventually, I woke up and ate a few times.

As the day ended, we went inside and Grayson showed us his computer circuit board project.

What a genius! Who knows, I might be a computer software programmer in the future, too:-)

By the end of the day, Mommy brought me home and took more pics for Grammy.

She especially wante to make sure I wore red/white for all of her friends who requested something other than pink and green. What is that all about?

Well, tomorrow I have my first Gymboree Play and Music class. Mommy, Daddy and I are excited about what we will learn. You know we will update the blog with pics and more.

Bubbles and Kisses
Arianna Zoe Michelle

Good Morning!
Today, Mommie and I enjoyed another relaxed day around the house. We started the day off with singing and talking. These days I am cooing and singing to my parents for minutes at a time. As soon as my parents purchase their video camera, I'm sure mommy will upload the video footage.

Mommy and Daddy are beginning to see that I will need a larger bassinet within a few days. You already saw how the bassinet tips to the side while I'm sleeping. Well, here is a pic below to show why? I'm basically ready to turn-over. I'll probably turn over on my right side; which adds to mommy's suspicion that I might be "left-handed". My great great grandfather - Bishop C.A. Perry - was a leftie too!

As requested by many of Mommy's friends and family, today I wore a red and white dress given to me by one of daddy's coworkers.

It's a good thing Mommy put it on me today because I'm almost too small for the dress. Lately, I'm wearing less and less "newborn" size clothes and more 0 to 3 months. So, what did I do the remainder of the day?

Well, I really enjoyed a new toy booster seat that my auntie/cousin Danielle (Turner) bought for me. It's a Precious Planets Booster seat with these toys on the tray. They really had my attention for about 10 minutes. (SIDE NOTE: Mommy says do not mind my bed hair. I just woke up from a nap! Maybe auntie/cousin Kimmie (Turner) can do my hair the next time I'm in California:)

Ooooh La La!

Even Samson was interested in the new booster seat.

I cannot wait until I can enjoy some steamed carrots, peas and other veggies in my personal chair. I wonder how messy I will be then, too! *smile.

By the end of the day, I was sooo tired. Mommy washed my hair in my bath spa and she still wanted to take ANOTHER picture! I love my mommy, but can you tell that I was not really into taking another picture? I mean, I had this thing on my head. I greatly dislike wearing the caps after I get my hair washed.
(Caption: Get that thing outta my face!)

In the end, mommy finally took that cap off my head and combed my hair until I fell asleep. Well goodnight. We have church tomorrow and I need my rest.

Bubbles and Kisses,
Arianna Zoe Michelle

Today was a great day. We did nothing but sleep all day. I believe Mommie and I are still dealing with Jet Lag, thanks to our 2.5 week trip to California. Daddy came in and slept with us too, as he had training all week at work - BORING! LOL!

So, we didn't get dressed until after 5pm, took Samson for a walk, went to our favorite stores:
Janie and Jack ( and Gymboree ( Mommie found me a dress for the winter months, regularly priced at $59.99. ButI have a smart mommie. She bought the dress at $11.99; along with a few other things. Here's a pic of the dress:

After a little shopping, I sat with Mommy and Daddy while they ate their dinner at PF Changs. Mommy is always thinking of me, so she ate only vegetarian dishes. Otherwise, anything too spicy or heavy might affect me when it's time for me to eat. I love my mommy - she's the best.

As soon as we got home, Samson was there to greet us and ready to play. I got dressed for bed and talked a bit to my Grammy via Skype. If you don't have it, you're living in the dark ages - the 90's! I had fun talking/cooing with my Grammy until I fell asleep. Well, tomorrow should be another great day. My NC grandparents might be making a visit. Until then - Good night!

With Bubbles and Kisses,
Arianna Zoe Michelle